Petition to keep parking on Benton St
I, the undersigned, oppose the proposals that include removing our residential street parking on the 38″ wide section of Benton Street between Maryann Dr and Lincoln St.
I support the Bike Boulevard (Concept D) and No Build proposals as outlined in the City Bike Study
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The fate of our street parking is now in the hands of the City Council.
Thanks to everyone’s efforts, we managed to sway the BPAC committee to consider other proposals that would allow us to keep our street parking. However, due to the influence of Ken Kratz and Sukrit Ganesh, the committee could not exclude proposals that include the removal of parking, so now the decision lies fully with the City Council.
We did a great job with the BPAC committee; now let’s do an even better job with the City Council and the mayor! Let’s start by collecting an overwhelming amount of support to keep our parking!